At the point when you’re working with longer records, it tends to be troublesome and tedious to find a particular word or expression. Word can consequently look through your report utilizing the Find highlight, and it permits you to rapidly change words or expressions utilizing Replace.
Let’s talk about Find a Text
To find all occasions of a specific word.

- From the Home tab, click the Find order. Also press Ctrl+F.
- The Sheet will be show up on the left half corner of the screen.
- Type the content you need to discover in the field at the highest point of the route sheet. we’ll type the word we’re searching for.
- In the event that the content is found in the report, it will be featured in yellow and a see of the outcomes will show up in the route sheet. Then again, you can click one of the outcomes underneath the bolts to hop to it.
- At the point when you are done, click the X to close the route sheet. The feature will vanish.
- For more pursuit alternatives, click the drop-down bolt close to the hunt field.
To Replace text
Now and again, you may find that you’ve committed an error over and over all through your record, for example, incorrect spelling an individual’s name or that you have to trade a specific word or expression for another. You can utilize Word’s Find and also Replace highlight to rapidly make your amendments. In our Case, we’ll use Find and Replace to change the title of a magazine so it is condensed.

- From the Home tab, click the Replace order.
- The Find and Replace discourse box will show up there.
- Type the content you need to discover in the Find what: field.
- Type the content you need to supplant it with in the Replace with the field. At that point click Find Next.
- Word will locate the main example of the content and feature it in dark.
- Audit the content to ensure you need to supplant it. In our model, the content is a piece of the title of the paper and shouldn’t be supplanted.
- In the event that you need to supplant it, you can click Replace to change singular cases of text. On the other hand, you can click Replace All to supplant each case of the content all through the report.
- The content will be supplanted.
- At the point when you’re set, click Close or Cancel to close the exchange box.
For more hunt choices, click More in the Find and Replace discourse box. From here, you can choose extra pursuit choices, for example, coordinating case and overlooking accentuation.
With regards to utilizing Replace All, recollect that it could discover matches you didn’t envision and that you may not really need to change. You should possibly utilize this choice in case you’re certain beyond a shadow of a doubt it won’t supplant anything you didn’t plan it to.
1-How to do Find and Replace in word?
Find and Replace text
Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H.
Enter the word or expression you need to situate in the Find box.
Enter your new content in the Replace box.
now Click Find Next until you go to the word you need to Refresh for.
Pick Replace. To refresh all occasions on the double, pick Replace All.
2-How to find and replace in word mac?
Open Microsoft Word on your Mac.
Snap or drift over the “Alter” tab found in the top toolbar.
S or drift over “Find” from the dropdown menu.
Snap “Supplant… ” or hold “move” + “order” + “H” on your console.
This will open a sideboard.